To the two of you who actually read this blog, I apologize for not updating quite as often as I did when I started it. This is mainly because my new job has taken over most of my free time for the time being. It's no easy task to become a server at Finley's. There are tests every day and a LOT of information to soak in. We were tested on half of the menu today which means I spent all of my free time studying for that. Tomorrow we get tested on the other half of the menu, so that means I'm taking time away from studying to post this. Until I get a day off, or I end up not having to study too hard for a day, I'll be pretty slow about posting here. I do promise that within a week or so, I will be back to posting regularly. I also guarantee that when I do get a free minute, I'll be right here to post. So check back every once and a while and hopefully I'll be right back on track in a week. Good day to you all.
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